AlphaStar Revisited: Upgrading the State of the Art
Following the Meta
플레이 하다보면 메타를 잘 따라가는 것은 필수라는 생각이 든다.
It is impressive, but is it how we play the game?
Stolen BATTLECRUISER? - Starcraft 2: Gumiho vs. Dark
Some of the highlights and how we learn new tactics
So how do we make new strategies? One of the most prominant behavior is the act of imitation.
Reaper Control 구현 및 Imitation Learning
다음은 리퍼 컨트롤 agent를 구현한 결과이다. 이를 통해서 더 강한 Agent를 학습시키는 데 사용할 수 있을까?
Bot 구현은 다음을 기본으로 한다.
Basic Build Order
- First SCV pops - supply
- Rax-Gas (both on 16)
- Do not stop producing workers as you add on a 2nd and 3rd rax asap.
- Right after your 3rd rax, get up a 2nd Gas.
- When 1st rax finishes, get reaper, make supply depot,
- when you get 3 reapers (including ones in production), go Orbital Command.
- Keep on building Reapers until you have a healthy count (6-9) and when you have 400 minerals while doing so go take your natural.
AlphaStar Resources
SC2 replay files from the matches between AlphaStar and Team Liquid’s Grzegorz “MaNa” Komincz, and AlphaStar and Team Liquid’s Dario “TLO” Wunsch.
Camera interface
MaNa v AlphaStar (24 January 2019)
Raw interface
TLO v AlphaStar (12 December 2018)
MaNa v AlphaStar (19 December 2018)
Please note that the raw interface agents weren’t using the camera directly. The 10 replays have therefore been post-processed to add heuristic camera movements, such that the target location of each agent action is visible on screen. This is to make the replays easier to follow from the agent’s perspective.
To load the replays:
Install StarCraft II. It is free to play and runs on Windows and Mac.
Create the StarCraft Maps directory:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Maps
Mac: /Applications/StarCraft II/Maps
Download the map.
Move it into the Maps directory.
Download the replays above, and open them as usual.
More information on AlphaStar and the matches played between MaNa and TLO can be found on the DeepMind blog.